Builders CoPilot CRM Solution for Home Builders & Realtors

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

CRM For Realtors

Playing Email Ping-Pong with Clients: It can cost you the sale.

So, you’ve got a lead on an interested buyer or seller, or hope to soon. In today’s competitive climate with multiple means of communication, even email is starting to feel antiquated. In an era of busy schedules and clients who demand immediate attention, how can you capitalize on client interest before too much time has passed… or another agent gets a foot in the door?

The Meter is Running

Once you’ve established contact with a potential client, the countdown begins. Remember the term “you snooze, you lose”? The same thing applies in getting a new client on board. In the real estate world, you have to keep them engaged and not let communication response times fall into a silo.
Add Muscle to Your Marketing and Communications

To the rescue is Customer Relationship Management (CRM). It’s a cloud-based technology that allows you to bridge the gap between raw leads and client follow up. But CRM alone can be a blunt instrument if it doesn’t harness the power of social media. Your current and potential clients spend a lot of time on social networking sites and so should you, but who has the time? Realtors CoPilot Cloud CRM Solution 60-Day FREE

There are now powerful CRM solutions with Web 2.0 capabilities included. A Web-app user can become a CRM contact without any manual processes. If it sounds “too techie” and overwhelming, the good news is that through cloud computing, it’s not. If you have an Internet connection, you can access the most powerful marketing communications tools with anytime access to your customer database with just a point and click. You’ll see your people, procedures and marketing programs streamlined, centrally located and providing powerful feedback to serve clients stronger.

By adopting a CRM solution into their marketing quiver, Real Estate agents can expect:

More referrals
Qualified leads
Automated response and communication (no more email ping pong!)
Access to metrics, analytics and database anytime, anywhere
Reduced marketing costs
Loyal clients
Increased profits from powerful sales
Real Results for Real Estate Pros

Through the efficient use of IT, the private sector is successfully reorienting their business processes to be customer centric. It’s proven to be an effective – and fiscally sound – business model. This doesn’t exclude the housing and real estate industries. Capture the power of cloud-based customer relationship management technology today for greater results tomorrow. Interested in trying a CRM solution designed specifically for the unique marketing needs of real estate professionals?

Visit Realtors CoPilot on Facebook and receive a 60 days FREE trial by clicking like. Get the advantage today! .